
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sweden Rules Gender Based Abortion 'OK'

Well, I've taken an interest this past week in reading up on some feminist bloggers. In doing that, I inadvertently came across this:

First, perhaps it would be best for me to explain my stance on abortion. I used to feel like abortion was completely ok, in my teens, because my mother had brought me up to feel that way. In my first semester of college, I took a class in personal health and was required to write a research paper on a topic of my choice. I chose "Reciprocal Effects of Mother and Fetus During Gestation." The research required me to take an in depth look at the stages of fetal development. I discovered that in my personal opinion, during the first three months the fetus is, just that, a fetus. However, though I do not consider it to be yet human, it is alive. And so, having an abortion is the destruction of a living thing, and a potential human being. Yet I remain to be pro-choice. I feel that the government has no place in decisions of morality. I also feel, as is only logical, that a woman has every right to an abortion if her baby is dead, her baby will die shortly after birth, being pregnant has caused severe and potentially life threatening complications to the mother, giving birth will cause severe and potentially life threatening complications for the mother or the baby, or the woman has been raped. Basically, my stance boils down to abortion is not a form of birth control and should not be considered a method of birth control. If you were irresponsible enough not to use birth control in sex, then it is your responsibility to pay for that mistake, instead of letting a potential human being suffer for it.

Now, about the article. It appalls me that there is a woman who wanted an abortion based on gender, much less that there was actually a judge that ruled in her favor. This is a new level of right and wrong which goes beyond abortion as a method of birth control. This is destroying a potential child because it isn't what you want it to be. Destroying something that isn't what you want, in itself, isn't so bad when it's maybe a blog post, or an art project. But to destroy a living thing, regardless of human or potentially human or even a dog or potential dog or a bug, I don't care what it is, if it is life, is beyond immoral. Not only should gender based abortion be illegal, but anyone considering it should be committed.

I take issue with this for two reasons. If it is a living thing it shouldn't be destroyed just because it's inconvenient. That's actually how I feel about all abortions really. And the second reason this disturbs me is the same reason it is disturbing to me for people to get plastic surgery. Instead of dealing with imperfections, or dealing with the fact that you don't meet someone else's standards, you change or destroy yourself. Only this is worse. Instead of someone destroying themselves for not meeting someone else's standards, someone is destroying them for not meeting their standards.

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